If you have any questions just let us know. Room available with patient toilet. We provide beautiful private clinic rooms to rent in the heart of Sydney CBD. finance. -Waiting Area finance. View More We h, ZAKU Artistry Studios is a 5* Premium Co-Working Space designed specifically for Beauty and Aesthetics Professionals looking for a flexible work space solution. 3 days per week $100 per day. These provide an infection controlled environment to undertake a variety of examinations, with either single side access or all-round access to couches. Perfect for Therapy, Studio or art work, yoga & small events. Starting at $38 an *** PROMOTION***Enjoy 15% Off Selected Meeting Rooms, ENDS June 30th, BOOK NOW!! Midtown Studio Versatile Meeting Space. Find Clinic Room Space For Rent in Commercial Real Estate. You dont have to do independent alone. Currently has a hydraulic treatment couch in it. Looking for a room to rent or sublet, $800/month. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. A warm and friendly welcome when your patients arrive is a key component to their overall experience with you. Situated in the heart of Marylebone, our clinic has been fitted to the highest standard possible. Clinic Room to rent Oxford, Oxfordshire Room to let in High Street clinic. The Premium 20 foot Clinic In A Can containerized medical clinic. &nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps;&nbps; You can edit the information that appears on your Airbnb profile, such as your main profile photo or email address, from your account settings. Situated in a courtyard just on the outskirts of the town centre. -Suitable for medics and, Room to let in High Street clinic. VAT No. ON SITE PARKING AVALIABLE ! We all make some compromises running a business. Enable flexible booking and use of NHS space, Provide clear and transparent pricing and usage data, Offer communities a wider range of services within local NHS hubs, Be a nationwide solution, with scalable potential across the NHS, We have a dedicated team ready to help, so if you have any questions please get in touch. Your browser is blocking the use of Javascript. Treatment rooms and office space available to rent at Healthwell Clinic. $120 per day (plus GST) $500 weekly (plus GST) Bond One months rent (pro rata) Our space allows you to run your own business but with the benefits of working within a team! Level one has different entry. Gumtree.com Limited is an Appointed Representative of Compare The Market Limited who 113. Consulting rooms are bookable on a sessional basis. You won't find lower-priced rooms that meet the high quality you are after. span.signup_alert_trigger { color: rgb(56,186,155); cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(56,186,155); padding-bottom: 2px;}span.signup_alert_trigger:hover { color: rgb(35, 124, 103); transition-duration: 0.2s;}/*#first_container { margin-top: 75px;}*/.clearfix.body-content{ display: none;}h1 { font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 0.3px;}.result_header { color: #2a343e;}.results_list { margin-top: 10px;}.breadcrumb { display: none!important;}.col-lg-12 { padding: 0px;}.gm-style .gm-style-iw-c { width: auto!important; height: auto!important;}.pagehead { display: none;}.results, .map { padding: 0; margin-top: 20px;}.transition { transition: 0.5s;}.map { display: block!important; transition: 0.5s;}.no_map { width: 100%;}.ds_fullWidth { width: 100%!important;}.no_results { border-top: 1px solid rgb(90 93 96); margin: 10px; padding: 10px; font-size: 14px;}#results_map { overflow: hidden; position: sticky!important; 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Gumtree.com Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Zuto Limited who Each room is equipped wit. The room would suit beauty therapist, microblading practitioner, medical professional, alternative therapist, hypnotherapist etc.. WE ARE NOT LOOKING TO RENT THE ROOM OUT TO AESTHETIC PRACTITIONERS OFFERING DERM, Fully refurbished rooms, this is an opportunity for a turnkey business in a box. Emerge Natural Health Clinic is a newly renovated and modern clinic space in the leafy suburb of Ivanhoe. Introductions are limited to motor Ideally you will already have an established client base and are looking for a space to practice from which is affordable and has a good ambience. intercomm system Access to kitchen area/staff room Free parking on main roads Other Date available: 01 Mar 2023 1,000pm 2 days ago 3 Beauty & Aesthetics clinical room Dalkeith, Midlothian The clinic is a registered D1 listed space with Lambeth Council and so applicable to host a wide variety of medical treatments and professions. Clinic bed / chair available Other chairs / equipment may be available -( ask for more information) Were a reliable, low-cost solution for beauti, Looking for low-cost & low-risk beautiful private clinic rooms to rent in the heart of Sydney CBD? Office space available for rent within our allied health clinic in Caroline Springs. Preferred established client base, however not necessary. 2 types o, The Willows Healthcare and Wellness Centre is a new centre of excellence offering modern, welcoming, secure, practical and cost-effective accommodation for Clinical, Medical, Aesthetic, Well-being and Counselling professionals located in Adel, north, LOC has clinic rooms available for rent on flexible terms to suit your requirements. ADDRESS. 4+ Bedrooms. We have rooms of varying sizes and configurations to suit your needs. Room for rent #92017909. Basic room hire details as follows. We provide beautiful private clinic rooms to rent in the heart of Sydney CBD. Looking for a room for an hour, month or a year, use filters to search for a wide variety of rooms in different locations. $150. These provide healthcare professionals with clinical space to undertake a variety of consultations. Answer a few simple questions. Work alongside a friendly welcoming team of experienced practitioners including a chiropractor, kinesiologist, massage therapist and naturopath. contemporary design, state-of-the-art ergonomic furniture. -Waiting Area Rooms to Rent We are able to rent rooms in our clinic to other practitioners and therapists at reasonable rates on application. The health centre has been specifically designed to bring together high-quality health practitioners from various fields to work synergistically. Clinic rooms are fully equipped, Room to rent in holistic health clinic situated in Attadale. Start small and scale as your client base expands Cookies Policy. Current practitioners are TCM practitioner and remedial massage therapist, kinesiology and naturopath. Special rates for day/regular use. Reception is available at addition cost.Our single level clinic is beautifully renovated, and rooms are fully furnished with desk including iMac, chairs, treatment table, wash basin and rug. You will be working with Myotherapists, Remedial Massage Therapists and Osteopaths, and we have recently installed an Inf, Commercial Room to Rent. - working, electric treatment tables - Chairs, and desk - Tyro eftpos machine (Healthpoint enabled for healthfund claims) - Computer for clinic management software, and other administrative tasks. Serene shared waiting room. Gumtree.com Limited, registered in England and Wales with number 03934849, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom. Working in wellness shouldnt hurt. For those that like to make the most of Wellingtons, ClincalSpaces 2020 | Website design by Strider Digital. -YAG laser machine (tattoo removal) (carbon facials), We are offering a lovely bright beauty /clinical therapy room to rent within a Tattoo, Aesthetic & Piercing studio. Practitioners are welcome to make changes to the room during their useandbring equipment suitable for their treatments into the clinic as long as it is returned to how it was found afterwards. We are proud to provide our practitioners state of the art treatment and therapy rooms to rent in Central London. Would suit therapists, coaches, Psychologists and Psychiatrists or any talking therapy or business requirements. Located upstairs from the Edwina Corlette Art Gallery. Physio or Therapist Practice Room. As a therapist, I can focus on the well-being of my clients, knowing that all aspects of my office are managed and cared for. With a waiting room for clients, wheelchair access, plenty of on-street parking, and easy access to the M62. Do you need flexible rental options with no lock-in contracts? We are offering rooms for rent to join the clinic and to join in with a community of likeminded Natural Health Professionals. Sydney City, NSW. One room with sink available Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Suitable for Allied Health and Medical Practitioners. Conveiently situated in Baulkham Hills, we have two clinic rooms available for an affordable daily rent. Location is right next to a childcare, Clinic room for rent - Chiropractor, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Body Align Myotherapy & Massage is a beautiful and modern space, You immediately feel relaxed and can stop, take a breath, and slow down from everyday life from the moment you walk in. we are looking for a semi-permanent makeup specialist or/and a tooth whitening specialist to rent a treatment room in our clinic. The room is spacious, light filled, and has its own en suite, although staff and patient bathrooms are available. Move Health South Melbourne have an upstairs, light filled clinic room to rent, available 7 days a week. finance, CarMoney Limited will pay us a fixed commission per paid out deal. Hair salon will become available early January. Rooms suitable for luxury talking therapy rooms, clinic rooms for doctors, therapy rooms to rent for counselling, beauty rooms to rent for aesthetic treatments and many more. With over 80 happy health practitioners in our space, were a reliable solution for beautiful rooms that enhance the patient experience and make your, Room for rent in established Allied health / Wellness clinic, We have a room becoming avialable for an allied health or wellness practitioner in South Caulfield, For all enquiries please contact Nevena or Vesna on******7291 or on . The clinic is a registered D1 listed space with Lambeth Council and so applicable to host a wide variety of medical treatments and professions. EG Propertylink. After filling in a questionnaire about your current digital footprint an assessment of your online visibility will be provided. Flexible options for clinic room rental are available from half days, full days to full week, with a sliding scale of rent. Currently has a hydraulic treatment couch in it. New York, NY. Most even said they would book again -- about 99%. It would suit a variety of health practitioners including but not limited to psychologists, counsellors, allied health practitioners, cosmetic injectibles, nurses, kinesiologists etc. Medical Clinic, Therapy Rooms to Rent Looking for a room for an hour, month or a year, use filters to search for a wide variety of rooms in different locations. HICAPS, reception sta, Rooms to Rent in Allied Health Practice / Office, Light-filled, private, quiet & furnished room in a shop frontage office on the main road of Northbridge. Great Location with Easy Parking. Gumtree.com Limited is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Zuto Limited who If this sounds like you contact us today for a chat and/or arrange a tour of ClinicalSpaces. Great opportunity to work alongside a chiro with a solid referral base. Comes with chairs/stations already. We have rooms in the Nepean Health Hub, North Shore Health Hub and the Sydney CBD so seeing patients all over Sydney is easy. Our local hosts have welcomed 56075+ people into their therapy spaces with reviews averaging 4.9 stars. Are you looking for a medical room for rent alongside an established medical practice in Wellington CBD? Clinic/Consulting room or rent. Large staff lounge area with full kitchen facilities. We are looking for a friendly and like minded health professional to join with existing Podiatry, Physiotherapy and Pilates services. Would you like to feel great about the space youre working in and share your experience with like-minded practitioners? Affordable, flexible modern spaces for therapists and practitioners. Gumtree.com Limited, registered in England and Wales with number 03934849, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom. Great atmosphere, exemplary property all round. Do you want access to services and advice to help you grow your practice? Access to kitchen area/staff room The Premium 20 foot Clinic In A Can containerized medical clinic. The location is home to an acupuncture practice. These provide clinical preparation, treatment and recovery facilities. 345 7692 64. We have a brand new clinic with a room for rent just for you! Page 2 - Looking to Rent a 1 Room Set Near Lifetron Homeopathy Clinic, Munnekollal, Bengaluru? With 3 rooms available for hourly and monthly rental. When optional equipment is required, the equipment rental fees will be charged on top of the treatment room rental fees. Clinicsare all fully licensed with MEPA along with disabled access. 5. interior loft that can be modified and customized to fit any activity! We are a busy clinic with high quality rooms, High end dental surgery to rent in London W1 location, next to Harley Street. 6 person capacity Modern, Oval White Marble Conference Table Ergonomic Black Leather Executive Designer Chairs 48" Samsung High-Definition LED TV for your Presentations VoIP High Definition Teleconferencing High-Definition Video Conferencing upon Request HDMI We provide very cool, yet professional, office space and meeting rooms to hundre.
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