- Flawlessly performed First Sergeant duties; provided mentorship--maintained critical link between CC/150 members, - Gifted planner; masterfully orchestrated and executed SAPR training for 100+ AMN; zero squadron incidents o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. - Handled 11 Red Cross notifications; coord'd e-leave w/base orgs/secur'd RAP f/grieving amn--mbrs en route < 24 hrs - Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice 1st Sergeant Duty Descriptions. It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. The first sergeant serves as a key advisor to the commander on matters relating to health, morale, welfare, safety, legal, personnel, administrative issues and a variety of other items that affect the unit. - Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs, - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl. - Quickly reacted to mental health/suicidal threat--member received crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty - Restructured Key Spouse prgm; created 3 AORs for major metropolis coverage--produced instant supt for 1.1K fams - Led IT tm f/3-day 1st Sgt Seminar; config'd audio/vis kit, virtual spt capes--equip'd qual arena f/87 U-A addt'l-duty shirts, - Led IT tm f/3-day Shirt Seminar; config'd audio/vis kit, virtual spt capes--dlvr'd mentorship f/87 U-A addt'l duty 1st Sgts Korea max pressure campaign Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit. - Superb leader! - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty o entered board scores for 144 SM and updated over 175 NGB 4100 SMs; facilitated the promotion of 20 SMs and over 30 SMs being selected for the next grade. Contact [email protected] Disclaimer. - Sq interim 1st Sgt; liaised w/McChord AFB ldrship--coord'd medication delivery to detained Amn/life svg act, - Squadron PTL--revamped sections outdated fitness program--ensured all 34 instructors are "Fit to Fight" - Squadron Asset; fostered high unit morale; provided timely, accurate information to guide enlisted and officer corps Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . - Problem solver! - Family Care Program maintained 100% accuracy; ensured Airmen provided current & required information per AFI Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases - Filled 1st Sgt position 6 mo; advised CC on health/welfare for 80 mbrs--enhanched org interpersonal communication - Expertly advised MDG's 5 CCs/19 flts/26 AFSCs; dlvrd 375 msn-rdy force--enabled 76K pt care appts worth $3.9M! TCN duty : r/AirForce Provided the Commander a motivated and ready enlisted force to execute the mission in a professional and timely manner, ensuring all members were adequately trained and mission ready. - Instructed FTAC/SNCO/NCO PES crs; provided SEL vision/mentorship/28 Amn--armed students w/career dev tools - First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding - Refurbished 29 Family Care Plans; put emphasis on Amn accountability--model program/adopted by 1st Sgts council - Exceptional ldr; people first/msn focused/results driven; selected as crew Superintendent--spot on MSgt select - Hand selected as Yellow Ribbon Sr Mentor; guided sup sessions for mbrs/family--2k+ recvd invaluable info HELP! He is a talented Squad Leader who adapts to shifting conditions and gets the job done. - Quickly reacted to mental health/homicide threat--mbr rcv'd crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty, - Recognized 2 NCOs at local council for Diamond Sharp awd; selected as 372 RCG Tuskegee Archer nominee - Service Before Self! - Awarded DoD Mediation Certification; endorsed/trained to employ conflict resolution--skills utilized ISO SMC Amn - Sr mbr of 1st Sgt council; mentored peers managing >2000 mbrs; 15 peers hv proper tutelage to advise sqdrn CC's - Selected interim 1st Sgt 21 days/164 mbrs; counseled 4 Amn/resolved 7 prsnl actions--enforced unit discipline - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened Award Cat: First Sergeant Winner: Squ . - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness - Steered 5 Sq BTZ brds; scrutinized 23 rcds/mentored supervisors--ensured pgm integrity/2 Amn sel'd for promotion - Articulates/implements HAF/MAJCOM/Wg & Sq policies; presents rehabilitative options to the CC on legal matters, - Mng'd duty tempo during COVID-19 pandemic; reconstituted shifts/physical space--zero contaminations/msn impact From the very epr bullet writing help first air force evaluation in the wonder years of the late 1940's to today's latest epr form, many have been . EPR Bullet examples for the Standards Enforcement and Personal Adherence block of the AF Form 911. He reestablished and managed the Family Care Plan and achieved 100 percent participation, meeting all requirements and ensuring members and their families were prepared for any extended separation. - Unquestionable adherence to Air Force Core Values; Leads by example/holds subordinates to Air Force Standards - Administered awards, promotions & disciplinary actions with clarity and consistency--backed peers/supervisors - PME champion! - Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations - Rectified tank storage oversight; impl'd MSEP insp/eval--facilitated dual Sq MOA/custody xfer of $2M SPRAM acct - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT --instilled pos image to 70 airmen, - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents, - Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores. - Served as deployment First Sergeantsecured lodging/transportation for 41 mbrssharpened ldrshp attributes, - Served Xx days as Add'l Duty 1st Sgt; advised CC on legal, medical, family issues--upheld AF stds, mbrs' well-being - Plans, sets up and participates in numerous commander's calls-- performing awards, decs and promotional ceremonies - Filled Sq 1st Sergeant post; responded to drug/addiction, coord'd medical treatment--ensured mbrs well being - Compltd Principles of Supervision/3 crdt hrs; honed 8F skillset/adv ed growth--MA 25% done/inspired 6 CCAF grads, - Conducted health and welfare visit to technical schools; ensured well-being of twelve Airmen away from home unit - Quality of Life watchdog; arranged three mental health/one ADAPT/2 FAP consults--bridged necessity for resiliency - Secured 246 tix/8 major sports evts--orch'd LA Dodgers Hero/Game honoree--demo'd selfless devotion to unit morale - Attended USAFA CGO/SNCO leadership symposium; 8hrs--enlightened unit junior NCOs on resiliency skills, - Averted 2 potential suicides; secured immediate rescue/treatment f/5 mil mbrs/1 spouse--actions preserved lives/RTD - Chaired 36 Wg's largest CCAF grad in 3yrs; 122 grads honored/$1.2k scholarships awd'd--5 star event for 355 guests - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline - Led 5 member tm; dir'd 61 DV visits/20 ceremonies/6 events--showcased msn capes/cmbt ops f/AF premier RPA wg AF Chief of Staff Reading List: Recommended Reading: Site information. - Consulted on 1K prsnl actions; provided ldrshp/aided 85% msn rdy force--key to clinica disaster tm hurricane dplymnt Motivated 490 mbrs thru 121 SACs/1.3K items--cinched 96% compliance w/90%+ on 1-yr tour Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Advised 15 O-6/equiv Directors; guided prsnl actions/coord'd w/16 base agencies--drove best outcomes for Amn/AF - Ferried 3 CC's thru 4 Art 15's; 4 admin seps/24 disciplinary actions thru Ops Gp--crit f/msn readiness & welfare - CAA's #1 go-to! --instilled pos image to 70 airmen - Invested in future ldrs! - Mitigated Osan AB CCF shortages; coord'd 1st Sgt's Symposium/aligned 27 briefers/31 topics--prepared 75 SNCOs This puts you in a tough spot becauseMore, Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. - Steered Sq UEI prep; mng'd family care pln/ESM, mentored 28--aided MH flt w/garnering AMC/IG's "Superior" Tm, - Streamlined OCONUS e-leave process; secured $23K AF aid/coord'd 12 requests <2 hrs of crisis--lst rate spt f/fam's - Selected 1/250 AF wide for CCAF Profeciency Prgm; proofed Air University syllabus--validated CCAF accreditation First Sergeant EPR Bullets; epr bullet generator 2020; Legal Office EPR Bullets; Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC and Additional Duty. EPR Bullets - Air Force Hub - Managed 20-man geographically remote workcenter in support of Air Mobility Command--exceeded all assigned goals! Believe it or not, many Airman really don't want to be promoted! - Acquired seats for Key Spouse Training at local base; skills brought back base for unit's newly revived prgm - Provides readiness, health, welfare and morale guidance as focal point for the 81 personnel in 13 sections of the OSS - President LAAFB 1SG Council; mentored base prof orgs/CGOC/Top3/Rising 6/CLC--guided 3.1K future AF leaders - Selected 1st Sgt f/63 days; guid'd 3 NJP/2 domestic violence/1 UIF--pivotal to good order/discipline & UCMJ system Bird Sanctuary Ct, - Led Wg Qtr awds pgm; revised outdated script/boosted attendance--showcased 65 Amn/18 civs/SAFB Top Performers, - Led Wg's Dorm Recognition pgm; motivated 361 residents/enhanced qtrs/morale--8 Amn praised/coined by AMW/CC Treasurer of 360 TRS's Top 3--raised over $2K to support unit morale of over 250 personnel, - Validated State Department plan; oversaw 6 NEO wardens f/USFK Ex Courageous Channel--postured 186 deps f/evac - Flawless AF Ball Logistics Tm Ld; led 150-mbr tm/executed 42 tasks f/ 2 venues/raised $39K--hosted 800 attendees - Mentored mbr w/relationship issues; coor'd resources f/relocation--alleviat'd stress f/1st time parent w/fam separation - Maintains the highest level of integrity providing one on one counseling, leadership and guidance to all Airmen - Cultivated stellar CC/1st Sgt relationship; obliterated AF 90% metric w/ outstanding100% attorney consult rate, - Cut discharges 79%/NJP actions 32% in 6 mos; processed 21 NJPs,32 UIFs,2 demotes--refocused Amn on stnds/msn, - Deftly intervened in 4 domestic incidents; expedited protective orders/mbrs counseling--ensured 6 dependents' safety PDF HQ USAF/SG OPR/EPR GUIDE - AF Mentor - Wg Top III Treas/AAHC mentor; mng'd fundraising/led 17 committees/44 psnl--generated $23K toward QoL events - Recruit Military's "Top 40 under 40" winner of 2.5K multi-serv noms--served/groomed 425 enlisted/officers in 13 PDS JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard chief master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out annually on May 31, are now accomplished on the new Air Force Form 912, Enlisted Performance Report (CMSgt). First Sergeant of the Year. To contribute examples, use this form. Master Sergeant Robert Paulson distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as First Sergeant, 372nd Recruiting Group, 368th Recruiting Squadron, Hill Air Force Base, Utah from March 2017 to September 2019. - Direct'd 186 prsnl actions/rehabed 6 late-bloomers--fueled msn rdy force/9 dplymnts/2K DVs/93T cargo/23K part rqmts And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. Sergeant Foster is a team player who contributed to our unit earning the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence. (end air force buy in lines) - Provided Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force; executed mission in a professional manner - > readiness o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited 5 discharges; sustained readiness, o investigated resources during a family crisis; uncovered family life insurance benefits for a Company member, o deployed as First Sergeant for Expeditionary Task Force; oversaw lodging, morale and redeployment of both C130 squadron and attached C21 flight, o processed an emergency leave and two early releases; facilitated efficient and rapid administrative operations, o managed the AP's billeting, contracts, and service for 678 personnel from a variety of organizations; filled overlooked shortfalls and restored operations, o overhauled the AP's billeting procedures and rewrote the SOP, ordered and installed pedestrian signs, and supervised two SMs assigned to the office, o effective counselor; reclaimed the allegiance and efforts of misguided Soldiers; highest reenlistment rate in Bn, o warned barracks occupants continuously of drinking and driving consequences; prevented fatalities and mission, lowest DUI rate in 7 years, o proactive and inclusive counselor; guided members to productive, rewarding activities; limited opportunities for failure, maximized success, o prepared members for deployment with meticulous review of private, family, and business concerns; improved readiness and morale, o took control of habitual discipline problem soldier and recommended and expedited separation; restored order, unit morale in less than 30 days, o stressed career development, resulted in 11 Soldiers within the Company enrolling in college courses, o stressed safety and defensive driving on and off duty which resulted in zero POV and GOV accidents within the company; best in the battalion, o acted as company commander and command sergeant major during their absences with no degradation in operations or mission accomplishment, o conducted comprehensive company training which led to the company receiving a commendable rating in training during the Brigade Inspection, o mandated weekend safety briefings at all levels; reduced incidence of loss or injury by 40%, o conducted NCODP on NCOERs and professional development; ensured standards were applied equally and fairly, o executed duties with complete professionalism while producing outstanding results; excelled in every assigned and implied task, o performed an integral role as the 1SG; his leadership, expertise and high standards had a profound impact on the Squadron's ability to function over his tenure, o consistently sought out by Seniors, peers and subordinates for career advice; resulted in one Airman becoming Warrant Officer and Soldier becoming a Lieutenant, o superbly managed and supported the pre-deployment training and preparation of 154 Joint Service Members and their associated equipment for OEF and OND, o strictly adhered to insist/assist philosophy; never gave a hand-out, but always a hand-up (13B, Acting Bn CSM), o implemented a rigorous Special Emphasis PRT program that removed 12 Soldiers from the Army Body Composition Program (25W), o performed an exceptionally integral role in the (unit) as the acting First Sergeant; leadership, expertise and high standards had a profound impact on the (unit's) ability to function effectively over the course of his tenure, o created a homogeneous production environment which resulted in numerous unit commendations for excellence, o maintained the highest levels of this unit's cohesion and preparedness, o followed up on all paperwork and made sure all warriors had proper badges for assigned duties, o planned and oversaw the Brigade change of command ceremony, saved hundreds of dollars by drafting in-house assistance, o balanced the duties and responsibilities of both a Company First Sergeant and Brigade Intelligence Section NCOIC; vital to the success of the 2IBCT Brigade S2 Section, o dedicated to soldier development, learning, and leadership; was pivotal in the success of the 847th Human Resource Company's successful implementation of the Virtual Battle Assemblies, o facilitated the development of the Virtual Battle Assembly (VBA) training plans; enabled adoption of new technology while maintaining standards, o served two consecutive tours as company 1SG and served as acting CDR for two Annual Training periods for the 415th CA BN; preserved and sustained readiness, o met regularly with NCOICs to stay abreast of personnel needs and family concerns, o increased unit mobilization readiness and enhanced intelligence production support to the Command, o orchestrated a successful and well-attended Brigade Dining out with a turnout of over 200 people, o supervision produced a yearly IDT attendance rate of 95% and a yearly organizational readiness rate of 92%, o served as Acting Command Sergeant Major; maintained the readiness and cohesion of his Battalion, o facilitated counseling and maintained Soldier confidentiality during difficult situations until resolved, o maturity and judgement was instrumental in preventing sensitive issues from affecting unit morale, o ensured all Company inventories were scheduled and completed, o instituted daily inspections to guarantee all vehicles were kept mission-capable and ready to roll, o delivered support on time and on target despite numerous obstacles, o motivated Bn members to take care of their equipment; regular maintenance reduced issue delays, o identified lack of administrative support for Soldiers and worked with Commander to expand office capability, o provided discipline and motivation for section leaders; eliminated personnel problems and restored harmony to Bn, o assisted NCOICs with section management; overcame personality conflicts with intra-unit transfers and counseling, o initiated discharge process for chronic disciplinary problem; removed from office and restored team spirit, o prosecuted barracks violations rather than ignore them; barracks inspections rarely necessary now, o assigned NCOs to mentor and develop lower enlisted and junior NCOs and monitored their progress (35X5M), o fostered open, candid, and frequent communications between command and all Bn members, o ensured all personnel assigned received mandatory training, o awarded the Signal Corps Bronze Order of Mercury for his dedication and outstanding service as a First Sergeant in diverse Unit, o organized a three day Brigade Leadership Conference which resolved many support shortfalls and formalized tenant unit agreements for the first time, o developed events schedule for annual conference and coordinated with dozens of outside agencies to fill all briefing slots and arranged attendance by appropriate audiences and down trace units, o participated in 8 gunneries and shot distinguished in all of them, o served two consecutive tours as company 1SG within the BN; served as Acting CDR for two Annual Training periods, o mentored and trained the Top Gun in four separate gunneries, o ran 5 Brigade level gunneries and was directly responsible for the Battalion having an 85% first time go rate. - Excelled as FTAC lead; org'd 28 airmanship briefs/developed 5 courses--built network & career foundation f/160 Amn - Personifies diligence, consistency, loyalty, and professionalism, earning the respect of his peers and supervisors alike - Led unit thru 3 domestic abuse cases; advocated positive strategy w/case review committee--procured prof treatment - Scheduled recurring, emergency maintenance on work center equip--foresight produced data on target at 99% rate! - Facilitated 2 ALS Academic Review Boards; validated students' records/curriculum--3 Airmen retested & graduated First Sergeant EPR Bullets Duty Description - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness - Advises Sr ldrshp on psnl issues; rvws/edits EPRs/LOEs/decs/awds; brfs Wg/CC on Status of Discipline/QoL matters - Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant - Steered CC thru 5 CRBs/admin separation/3 Art 15s/ADAPT TTM; ensured fair process/justice--rehabilitated 6 Amn EPRs are required to be written in a format peculiar to the U.S. Air Force. Back to EPR Bullets. Leadership, Team Building, Followership, Mentorship. Theyre full of - Led RAF Digby APO SAV; ID'd 26 process deviations/trained Official Mail Manager--DoD compliant/4K customers - Facilitated 1SG Symposium; tutored add'l duty Shirts on SF procedures/CC action--81 jt/int'l ldrs poised to lead/dvlp - oversaw FM Systems Section; administered access for 40+ users to 10 systems--critical to wing financial mgmt ops - BNR f/TF 5.1 beddown tm; led 12 mbr infrastructure spt element/68 rqmts--dvlpd security plan f/$4.1M Jt Ops center Air Force Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and AF1206 Bullet Statistics: 0 Bullets Added in Last 24 Hours: 119 Bullet Categories: 0 Bullets added in Last Week: 8211 Total Bullets : 0 Bullets added in Last 30 Days: 47400 Members (Bullet Contributor List) 754 Bullets Added Between 2012-01-01 to 2014-01-30 (Recent Contributors) Search - Conducted 57 QA audits; review'd 1239 docs, recommend'd prm improvements--ensured integrity of CPTF processes usage and MX discipline, - Investigated 31 mishaps; ID'd root causes/guided process changes--gen'd CAF-wide crosstell/enhanced safety culture, - Led execution of CDDAR EX; ID'd 3 areas of improvement to MXG/CC--ensured readiness of Crash Recovery Tm, - Led sq managerial insp; reviewed 61 CTK prgms/8 work-centers/id'd 113 deficiencies--improved unit insp rate >10%, - Managed readiness EX; inspected 150 mbrs thru natural disaster steps/increased response capes--safed AF #1 asset, - Mastered 8 Business Mgmt degree crses; 24 credits/3.84 GPA--honed org/prsnl mgmt skills/mentored 32 Amn, - Orchestrated advanced HAZMAT audit tng; 14 QA inspectors qual'd/42 hrs--best trnd team >20 yrs/incr pass rate 5%, - Oversaw wg real-world deployment; assessed 9.177 S/T cargo/41 pax processing--ensured msn capabilities/0 delays, - Pioneering mx mgt, directly invld w/AEF mx planning, prodc'd 16 battle ready F-16C+ a/c, 2 mnths ahead of sched'l, - Product Improvement Mgr; seamless JDRS transition--30+ PQDR's submitted, which led to recovery of over $300K, - Quickly responded to domestic violence & suicide ideation; escorted/assisted family to prof assistance--zero life loss, - Readied short notice Poland TDY; deployed 11 flt Amn/4K lbs cargo--keyed 255 NATO sorties/375.9 flt hrs, - Represents FSS with internal and external officials and/or customers--cemented TFI spirit with base AGR & REGAF, - Scrutinized MXS SDS prgm; uncovered outdated MSDSs across the flts--ensured compliance w/2 mo get well date, - Seamless! Performed 1st Sgt/Flt Super duty during high tempo ops--ensured welfare/admin of 123 unit mbrs Finally, as President of Operation Warmheart, he managed a 25,000 dollar budget, granting over eight thousand dollars to Airmen in need and enhancing the quality of life for 2,500 personnel. - Acting Key West TDY 1st Sgt; safety prebriefed 5 sqs/130 psnlaquired 116 sorties <2 wks w/ no incidents - Qualified Assistant 1st Sgt; provided coverage/advisory counsel to CC--ensured high moral/health for HQ personnel - Provided guidance/mentorship for mbr/family after diagnosis/treatment for thyroid cancer-morale/spirits lifted! - Revived dormant Sq Key Spouse Pgm; forged spouses' initiative/coor'd 3 events --key to family spt/CC's #1 Qol focus The Air Force has released its new enlisted performance report form for master sergeants and senior master sergeants. - Steered wg dorm insp; searched 3 dorms/eradicated contraband--increased deterrence/assured safe quarters/120 Amn - 375 MDG/GPM pick f/1st-ever Flt/CC crs X2; voiced SNCO/1sgt Sgt perspective--honed ldrship roles for 40 officers. - Prepared/delivered Christmas Day breakfast burritos; 60 137 SWS unit guardsmen--fostered Total Force spirit - Developed formal "in-person" BTZ review; sharpened Amn skills & led NCO board--propelled 6 Amn to BTZ stripes Korea max pressure campaign, - MAFB Op Warmheart President; raised 4.3K donations--gave Thanksgiving meals for 87 Amn/lauded by 5 BW/CCC When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are limited to a single or sometimes two lines. - Defused 8 suicide warnings; sync'd w/medical spt/coach'd thru recoverywelfare #1 priority--members rtn'd to duty Look for or to identify content added in the last 30 days. - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Worked w/PAFB NCOA class; provided $1K+ Christmas toys & diapers--2 remote recruiter families assisted. Must remain vigilant for, and move to resolve, issues that, left unchecked, would adversely impact the readiness of enlisted members. - Addt'l Duty 1st Sgt; dual-hatted w/ primary duties/spt'd 610 psnl/eight flts--gained valuable senior leadership insight, - Advised CC on x prsnl housing issues/x admin actions/ADAPT-FAP consults--enforced equal standards f/ xxx prsnl
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